Side note: I decided, when I first started this blog, to post only once a week. This is because I wanted to elaborate on specific topics, being the long-winded type of writer and all. My thinking was that, if I wrote as much as I wanted to about each subject that came to mind, I’d end up with a fairly-long piece. So far, this has been mostly true. I happened to publish my first blog post on a Wednesday, and just decided to stick with that schedule. I don’t go to classes on Wednesdays, so I have some free time for blogging. And even if I’m swamped with homework, well, I can schedule a post in advance, right?
With the Obamessiah’s Glorious Ascension looming, people are looking back on George W. Bush’s Presidency – and criticizing him at every turn. One of the big complaints is his response to Hurricane Katrina. Apparently, the President is to blame when a whole group of sheeple are too bloody stupid to get out of Dodge when everyone from weather forecasters to government officials are shrieking that the mother of all storms is heading right for them.
Apparently, Bush was supposed to fly to New Orleans before the storm and physically drag every mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging sheep out of the path before Katrina landed. Apparently, Bush did not order FEMA and other federal resources to the scene quickly enough. Apparently, the President of the United States is to blame when a group of citizens are so pathetically dependent on Uncle Sugar that they cannot, or will not, make plans to stay alive and safe in an area that is known for massive hurricanes.
Heaven forbid that people who live in places like New Orleans have hurricane preps such as bug-out bags, plenty of fuel in their vehicles, or a bug-out location. That’s effort, which is a foreign concept to those who have allowed themselves to become Uncle Sugar's slaves. As long as the government’s providing the bread and circus, the resource-leeching masses aren’t bothered by such trivialities as personal responsibility.
These mindless zombies chose to stay despite the loud, repeated warnings that Katrina was quite capable of blowing the coast into outer space. Plenty of people did get out of there. Some of the people who took off didn't have much of a plan: they merely saw the pending doom, grabbed as much stuff as they could, and left. They did what they had to do to survive, because they had enough sense to realize that Katrina was a lot bigger and badder than they were.
But those who refused to think about their own safety for even five minutes stuck around even though they knew that this epic storm was expected to be a lot more than a light drizzle with occasional breeze. They stayed behind even when their own government – their lord and master, for all intents and purposes – yelled at them to get out of there.
Those who could have left, but chose to stick around, deserved what they got. I am not speaking of those who could not evacuate - people in hospitals, for example. They obviously had no choice, and I'm certainly not including them in this.
Then there are those who did survive the storm - whether by bugging out or staying in place and getting lucky - but fully expected Uncle Sugar's handouts to keep them comfy forever. Do you remember the hordes of people who were shrieking about not having rent money a year after Katrina? I do. Losing everything does set you back significantly, yes. And I do understand not being able to afford flood insurance, and having to wait for the claim if you do have the policy. But a year should be plenty of time to get another job, save up money, and find another place to call home – especially when Uncle Sugar footed the bill for the motel room during those twelve months.
The government gave people money so that they could feed, clothe, and shelter themselves. Some chose to spend this free resource on illegal drugs, television sets, et cetera – then started complaining when they didn’t have food, clothing, or a place to stay.
There were people who whined because the government passed out Meals Ready-to-Eat. These self-contained meals are good enough for our military personnel, but they weren’t good enough for the leeches. They didn't have to go buy this food with their free, government-sponsored cash, but they were griping anyway.
A lawsuit for more than three quadrillion dollars, along with assorted claims for millions, and billions, apiece, proved that New Orleans sheeple expected Uncle Sugar to take responsibility for an act of God. Because goodness knows that, when a hurricane or other natural disaster wipes out an area, the government's at fault and should pay the victims a massive sum of cash - a whole lot more than they would have earned in their lifetimes.
I can’t forget Kanye “Bush hates black people” West, who blurted his racist rhetoric during a Red Cross plea for assistance. Obviously, Dubya despises minorities. I mean, he did order God to send Katrina where it landed, didn’t he? Or did he merely order the secret destruction of levees, forcing the flood waters into areas populated mostly by blacks? Oh, who knows what that crazy cracker did!
I am not a George W. Bush lover. He wasn't our worst President, but he wasn't the best, either. As much as I despise some of the things that he’s chosen to do over the last eight years, he’s not responsible for what some citizens chose to do (or not do, more accurately) before, during, and immediately after Katrina. The people who are currently whining about Katrina, and Bush's responses to that storm, are the same people who collected the free government aid and then whined about it. They’re the same people who didn’t take charge of their own lives and safety. They’re the same useless drags on society that we’ve been supporting for decades. They failed to plan, so they suffered. That's real life, and no amount of finger pointing is going to change this reality.
The harsh reality of life in winter
2 hours ago
From what I've heard the people along the Mississippi coast (who also got hit hard) banded together and slowly got their life back together. Can't believe that we sent tons of money to 'rebuild' a location BELOW SEA LEVEL that could have the same thing happen to it next year. Sure glad we have so many smart people leading us.
ReplyDeleteTwo of my brothers went to Mississippi to work after Katrina. They made decent money with the electrician who'd hired them to help restore hotels and motels in the coastal area. So, yeah, Mississippi rebuilt - slowly but surely. They formed a plan, obtained the money to put it in action, and went to work.